Farewell from Virtual DH2020

All too soon, we find ourselves at the close of another Digital Humanities conference. While we missed the spirit of our in-person meetings and the opportunity to be hosted by our colleagues in Ottawa, we were thrilled that so many were able to join in the virtual proceeding: some 1,000  joined and participated in the Humanities Commons DH2020 group! While the official conference week has come to a close, we hope the conversation continues. To this end, the discussion forum in Humanities Commons will remain open through Friday, 31 July 2020. The group itself will persist indefinitely, and everyone who registered for the conference will continue to be able to access it. The conference websites will remain available, along with a record of the synchronous events and the Book of Abstracts. More about how the virtual conference’s artifacts will be sustained can be found here.

As we shared earlier today, we will not be awarding the Fortier Prize this year. The Awards Committee agreed that under the circumstances it was impossible to judge fairly following the award’s protocol. We would like to thank the Awards Committee for their hard work and careful thought on this matter. You can read the full decision here.

We would like to reiterate our thanks to everyone helped make the conference possible, especially the DH2020 Assistants, Virtual Conference Organizing Committee, ADHO Communications Fellows, ADHO Executive Board, Kathleen Fitzpatrick and the Humanities Commons Team, the 2020 Program Committee, and the Local Organizers for DH2020 in Ottawa.

We hope you will continue to engage with the virtual DH2020 presentations over the coming week. In addition to searching and browsing the discussion forum, you can now view complete lists of the presentations and the methods they are grouped into.

Au revoir!

Virtual DH2020 Organizing Committee