Preparing Your Presentation
In order to support flexibility and impact during the virtual conference, please prepare your presentation materials in one of the following formats:
- video or audio recording (streaming or pre-recorded)
- paper
- slide-deck (with explanatory notes)
- image / document, if a poster
We are providing the following guidelines to ensure that these formats align with the expectations of the original DH2020 submission categories:
Presentation Category | Formats | Audio-visual lengths | Essay Length | Slide Deck Length |
Long Presentation (20 min) | Asynchronous:
20 minutes maximum (Downloadable or streaming audio or video file. Ideally will include captioning or a script.) | 2,500 words maximum ideally in PDF format | 20 slides maximum with presenter notes with each slide |
Short Presentation (10 min) | Asynchronous:
10 min maximum (Downloadable or streaming audio or video file. Ideally will include captioning or a + script.) | 1,250 words maximum ideally in PDF format. | 10 slides maximum with presenter notes with each slide |
Lightning Presentation (5 min) | Asynchronous:
5 minutes maximum (streaming + script) | 750 words maximum ideally in PDF format. | 5 slides maximum with presenter notes with each slide |
Poster* | Asynchronous single file meeting the following requirements:
n/a | n/a | n/a |
Panel (90 min) | Synchronous presentation using facilitators’ platform of choice or Asynchronous:
90 minutes maximum (Downloadable or streaming audio or video file. Ideally will include captioning or a script.) | Individual papers from each panelist plus framing text for organizer uploaded as a single document ideally in PDF format. | Individual slide deck from each panelist plus framing text for organizer uploaded as a single document ideally in PDF format. |
Forum (90 min)** | Synchronous presentation using facilitators’ platform of choice or Asynchronous:
90 minutes maximum (Downloadable or streaming audio or video file. Ideally will include captioning or a script.) | Individual papers from each panelist plus framing text for organizer uploaded as a single document ideally in PDF format. | Individual slide deck from each panelist plus framing text for organizer uploaded as a single document ideally in PDF format. |
*Authors who are presenting posters should create a poster as they normally would. See the recommended specifications in the table above. The maximum poster size is A0. Posters should be uploaded in PDF format.
**Presenters planning a synchronous forum can share information about their event in the Humanities Commons Group Events calendar.
Sharing your Presentations
All presentations (long papers, short papers, lightning presentations, panels, and posters) will be organized and accessed via thematic discussion topics in the DH2020 group on Humanities Commons. Authors should add their presentation to the existing discussion topics matching the themes they chose in Conftool as (an) individual post(s). (Read on for detailed instructions on how to do this.) Presentation files can be shared in these discussion posts using several possible methods:
- Presenters may upload their presentation to the Commons Open Repository Exchange (CORE) repository. Uploading to CORE is permanent: a DOI (digital object identifier) will be created, and files cannot be changed or removed per Humanities Commons terms of service. Maximum file size is 100MB. Presenters copy and paste their DOI URLs into their discussion posts.
- Presenters may attach a 2MB or smaller file (text, document, pdf files) directly to their discussion post.
- Presenters may provide a public URL to their presentation hosted elsewhere (an institutional repository, a personal website, YouTube, etc.).
While the first option will provide a durable and citable record of your scholarship, the second and third options allow authors more control over their presentation if they are sharing work-in-progress content.
How to Upload to CORE
Detailed instructions are available here.
- Navigate to the CORE repository from the left-hand menu.
- After that, click the Upload Your Work button.
- You will be prompted to upload the file and fill in a form, describing your submission. There are some required fields that must be filled out, they are Title, Item Type and Description or Abstract. At the end of the form there is an option to share your work with a group. Select “DH2020.”
- The upload should appear on your profile page.
- Follow the instructions below to paste a link to your presentation in your discussion post.
How to Upload Directly to a Discussion Post and Add a Presentation URL (from CORE or external host)
Presentations may be added to 1 or more thematic discussion topics in the DH2020 Humanities Commons Group. Please add your presentation to the topics based on the Methods you chose when you submitted your presentation in ConfTool. You can search the discussion topics for your name/presentation. See step 4 below. You can also view your methods by logging in to ConfTool and navigating to Your Submissions > Contribution Details and review the list of terms under “Methods”.
- Go to Groups Menu. To upload a presentation and engage in the discussions surrounding it, you will need to use the “Discussion” feature of Humanities Commons. Begin by clicking on the “Groups” menu in the sidebar.
- Click on Relevant Group. Once inside the “Groups” menu, you will see a list of groups that you belong to. Click on the title of the group, in this case “DH2020,” to enter into the portal for that particular group.
- Click on Discussion Tab. At the main portal for DH2020, you will see a list of options showing the latest activity, events, email options, members, and more. We are going to click on the “Discussion” tab to see how to upload a presentation.
- Find Your Discussion Topic(s). Discussion topics correspond to methods you chose during submission. You can search for your method(s) by using the search button on the top right or by clicking through each individual page until you find the panel that corresponds to your presentation. Click on the topic that you want to contribute to. Remember that presentations may be presented in more than one topic.
- Reply to Post. Once inside the topic, you will see the current posts for that topic. Click “Reply” to the top post beginning “Accepted Presentations”.
- Enter Text/File and Hit Submit. You will now see a text area where you can add information about your presentation. In the text of your post, please include
- Title & Author(s) (copy & paste from the top post if that’s easiest)
- Other discussion topics where your presentation can be found.
- A link to your presentation in CORE or wherever you’ve hosted it, or you may upload your paper directly to the post (maximum 2MB file size) at the bottom using the Choose File button. If you want to link to CORE or another external URL, click on the link icon shown below. A popup will appear allowing you to enter in the URL.Click the Submit button when you are done.