
This list or presentations includes links to all materials either in the Discussion area or in CORE. Click on any title to see the materials – and provide feedback to the authors.

111: ” What is a Genre? A Graph Unified Model of Categories, Texts, and Features ” (José Calvo Tello)
114: “Ethics and responsibilities of open access – lessons learned from the Wikipedia project of the Atikamekw First Nation” (Nastasia Herold, Thérèse Ottawa)
117: “Exploring the Undiscovered Contours of DH” (Amanda Marie Licastro, Lee Elaine Skallerup Bessette, Zachary N Whalen, Anne B. McGrail)
120: “Workshop on Modelling and Maintaining Research Applications in TOSCA” (Philip Schildkamp, Lukas Harzenetter, Frank Leymann, Brigitte Mathiak, Claes Neuefeind, Uwe Breitenbücher)
129: “Theoretical intersections: cognitive poetics, cultural evolution and distant reading in literary studies” (Fabio Ciotti)
132: “University-Industry Partnerships in the Humanities: View from the partner and academic perspective” (Lynne Siemens)
135: “Computation and Rhetorical Invention: Finding Things To Say With word2vec” (Mark Wolff)
137: “The Montias Case: an experiment with data reconciliation and provenance between research and cultural heritage institutions” (Leon van Wissen, Chiara Latronico, Sandra van Ginhoven, Veruska Zamborlini)
139: “Linked Art: Networking Digital Collections and Scholarship” (Kevin Page, Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass, David Beaudet, Samantha Norling, Lynn (5 Rother, Thomas (7 Hänsli)
140: “The GeoNewsMiner: An interactive spatial humanities tool to visualize geographical references in historical newspapers” (Lorella Viola, Jaap Verheul)
145: “NER on Ancient Greek texts with minimal annotation” (Chiara Palladino, Farimah Karimi, Brigitte Mathiak)
153: “Mapping Twitter Literature: Scraping, Analyzing, and Archiving Twitter Data in Literary Research” (Christian Howard-Sukhil)
155: “Integrating Intertextual Search into Your Web Application: The Tesserae Intertext Service API” (Nozomu Okuda, Jeffery Kinnison, Neil Coffee, Walter Scheirer)
160: “The Plant Humanities Workbench: Using Linked Open Data to Discover Early Modern Plant History” (Nathan Kelber)
161: “Algorithms of Resistance: Using OCR and AI for Social Justice” (Nathan Kelber)
163: “Bitter Wind: Adapting Greek Tragedy for Spatial Computing” (Elizabeth Hunter)
165: “Visualization of semantic shifts: the case of modal markers” (Helena Bermúdez Sabel, Francesca Dell’Oro, Paola Marongiu)
166: “MaDiH (مديح): Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan” (James Smithies, Fadi Balaawi, Pascal Flohr, Shaher Rababeh, Sahar Idwan, Carol Palmer, Shatha Mubaideen, Alessandra Esposito, Arianna Ciula)
167: “Modelling Consultation Workflows for Research Data Management in the Humanities ” (Patrick Helling, Brigitte Mathiak)
172: “The place of models and modelling in Digital Humanities: Intersections with a Research Software Engineering perspective” (Arianna Ciula, Paul Caton, Ginestra Ferraro, Brian Maher, Geoffroy Noël, Miguel Vieira)
174: “Identifying relations between characters in Afrikaans, Tshivenḓa, and Xitsonga book ” (Menno van Zaanen, Benito Trollip, Phathuthsedzo Ramukhadi, Respect Mlambo)
176: “The Open Knowledge Program: Creating Space for Digital, Public Scholarship” (Caroline Winter, Randa El Khatib, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens)
178: “Replication and Computational Literary Studies” (Christof Schöch, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Maria Antoniak, Fotis Jannidis, David Mimno)
180: “Intersections of the Cultural Kind: Public Digital Humanities and the Museum” (Patricia Bentley)
187: “Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario” (Maurizio Toscano, Aroa Rabadán, Salvador Ros, Elena González-Blanco)
191: “Potential Archives: How Digital Humanities and Feminist Ethical Praxis Will Transform the Interdisciplinary Artist Archive” (Julia G. Polyck-O’Neill)
194: “Análisis del coro como personaje en la dramaturgia grecolatina y española incluidas en DraCor” (Teresa Santa Maria, Monika Dabrowska)
201: “Xtralingua: An open-source tool for extracting quantitative text profiles” (Panagiotis Papantonakis, Fotios Fitsilis, Sotiris Leventis, George Mikros)
203: “An Interactive 3D Visualization of RDF-based Digital Editions” (Sepideh Alassi, Lukas Rosenthaler, Rob Iliffe)
210: “Metaphors we read by: Finding metaphorical conceptualizations of reading in web 2.0 book reviews” (J. Berenike Herrmann, Thomas C. Messerli)
212: “Towards Modeling the European Novel. Introducing ELTeC for Multilingual and Pluricultural Distant Reading” (J. Berenike Herrmann, Carolin Odebrecht, Diana Santos, Pieter Francois)
213: “Open, Digital Scholarship: Issues, Initiatives, and Research Commons in the Humanities and Social Sciences” (Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens)
214: “Constructing Spatial Narratives: Considerations and Practices Across Communities” (Christy Lynn Hyman, Alli Crandell, Sue Bergeron, Jesse Rouse, Shane Lynch, Jamila Moore-Pewu, Bryan Carter, Hilary Green)
216: “Global Renderings in the Queer Digital Humanities” (Tully Barnett, Megan Cytron, Rahul Gairola, Tyne Daile Sumner)
221: “AI4AV (Artificial Intelligence for Audiovisual): Design and Evaluation of a Shared System for LAMs” (Maria Esteva, Tanya Clement, Weijia Xu, Choate Aaron, Hannah Robbins Hopkins)
222: “Digital Humanities Methods for Analyzing Holocaust and Genocide Testimonies” (Todd Presner, Anna Bonazzi, Lizhou Fan, Gabor Toth, Rachel Deblinger, David Shepard)
228: “Compartir lo que nos une. Digitizing and Curating Colonial Records from the Caribbean and Central and South America for Public Outreach” (Hadassah St. Hubert, Antonio Rojas Castro, Tobias Kraft, Kathrin Kraller, María José Afanador-Llach, Amalia S. Levi)
231: “Representing Genres with distinctive Words” (Fotis Jannidis, Leonard Konle, Peter Leinen)
235: “The “No-Interface” Interface for Research VR” (Andrew Burrell, Rachel Hendery)
243: “Mapping Meaning: learnings from indigenous mapping technology for Australia’s digital humanities mapping infrastructure” (Bill Pascoe)
245: “”Exalting the Cult of Gentlemanly Amateurism”[1]: Improving Computational Analysis with Humanities Narrative-Building Methodologies” (M. H. Beals, Emily Bell, Julianne Nyhan, Tessa Hauswedell)
246: “Beside and Beyond: Visualising the Paradata and Metadata of Digitised Historical Newspapers with SKOS and LOD” (Emily Bell, M. H. Beals)
260: “Unsupervised Rumor Detection on Twitter using Topic Homogeneity” (David Lawrence Shepard, Takako Hashimoto, Kilho Shin, Takeaki Uno, Tetsuji Kuboyama)
262: “From Silo to Repo: Enforcing File Structure to Improve Workflow and Access” (Jessica Dussault, Laura K Weakly)
263: “Tribesourcing Southwest Films: Counter-Narrations and Speaking Back to Colonial Rhetoric” (Melissa Dollman, Jennifer Jenkins)
264: “Who Teaches When We Teach DH? Some Answers and More Questions.” (Brian Croxall, Diane K. Jakacki)
265: “HANDLE: Get a Grip on MALLET” (David Lawrence Shepard)
266: “Constructing and Deconstructing Digital Serpentary: Goals Established, Challenges Encountered, Lessons Learned, Discoveries Made.” (Alexei Alexeev)
267: “Quantifying the Unknown: How Many Manuscripts of Sévigné Still Exist?” (Simon Gabay, Lucie Rondeau du Noyer, Matthias Gille Levenson)
268: “Situated Materialities, Object Agency and Resistant Bodies in Subalternized Craft: Neoliberal Market/Tourist Logics and Questions around what/why of the “decolonializing” of digital humanities” (Radhika Gajjala, Rhiannon Bettivia, Taylar Stagnar, Rustina Untari)
269: “Widening access to Linked Ancient World Data” (Sarah Middle)
271: “Locating Biographies of Canadian and Native American Women: Nationality, Race, and Mobility in North America” (Alison Booth)
273: “Promoting Library Accessibility and Outreach with Special Collections in Virtual Reality” (Julia DeWall Uhr)
274: “Early Modern Digital Itineraries: Modeling European Place and Space, 1545-1747” (Rachel Clare Midura)
275: “Visceral Histories: Analyzing Transmission through Katherine Dunham’s Dance Repertory” (Bench Harmony, Kate Elswit)
279: “Virtual Space, Voice, and Gender in Recorded Popular Music from 2008–2018” (Michèle Duguay)
280: “Teaching Across the Digital Divide: The Challenges of Doing Digital Humanities in the Community College Classroom ” (Orion Teal)
281: “Digital History of Post-Soviet Virtual Museums” (Nadezhda Povroznik)
286: “Creating Structured and Reusable Data for Tourism and Commerce Images of Edo: Using IIIF Curation Platform to Extract Information from Historical Materials.” (Chikahiko Suzuki, Asanobu Kitamoto)
287: “Deep Learning based Attribute Representation in Ancient Vase Paintings” (Prathmesh Madhu, Ronak Kosti, Torsten Bendschus, Corinna Reinhardt, Vincent Christlein, Andreas Maier, Peter Bell)
288: “From data to visualisation: Dante’s Divine Comedy as a case study.” (Ginestra Ferraro)
289: “The Semantics of Structure in Large Historical Corpora” (Marijn Koolen, Rik Hoekstra)
294: “Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook” (Beth Fischer, Hannah L. Jacobs)
297: “Enriching Metadata for Irish Traditional Music at the American Folklife Center” (Patrick Egan)
299: “The Fight for National Language Rights in the USSR” (Martha Brill Olcott, Michael Downs, Ryan Lumbsden)
300: “Performer communities within a hyperconnected company network ” (Antonio Jimenez-Mavillard, Kate Elswit, Harmony Bench)
305: “The Words Themselves: A Content-Based Approach to Quote Attribution” (Adam Hammond, Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla, Graeme Hirst)
307: “Creating a Meaningful Genre Schema and Metadata using IMDb data for a Large-Scale Digital Humanities Project in Media Studies” (Cindy Conaway, Diane Shichtman)
316: “Re-interpreting the Poems and Paintings of the Lotus Sutra by a Correspondence Analysis and the Visualization of a Dimension Reduction: The Philosophy of Aristocratic Life during the Japanese Medieval Ages” (Aiko Aida)
318: “A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Multilayer Networks in the Humanities” (Martin Grandjean)
321: “Analyzing Border Crossings in Contemporary Irish Literature with Literary Mapping” (Kelli Maloy, Fiona Carter)
323: “Graph models for the genesis of Goethe’s Faust” (Thorsten Vitt)
331: “DIGITAL HUMANITIES SCHOLARSHIP IN AFRICA: Prospects and Challenges” (Augustine Farinola)
347: “Analysis and Categorisation of Research Software in the Digital Humanities” (Lukas Harzenetter, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, Brigitte Mathiak, Philip Schildkamp, Claes Neuefeind, Uwe Breitenbücher)
348: “CLARIN: The European Research Infrastructure for Digital Language Resources and Technology” (Leon Wessels)
354: “Does Culture Still Matter? A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Human-Robot Interaction and Artificial Intelligence” (Serdar Tuncer, Boulou Ebanda De B’Beri)
355: “NEH Funding for Digital Projects” (Sheila A Brennan)
356: “Extending the Utility of the HTRC Extracted Features Dataset Through Linked Data” (Jacob Jett, Boris Capitanu, Deren Kudeki, Timothy W. Cole, J. Stephen Downie)
358: “Annotating Reader Absorption” (Simone Rebora, Piroska Lendvai, Moniek Kuijpers)
362: “Automatic Extraction of Poetry from Digitally Scanned Books” (John Foley)
363: “OuPoCo, the combinatorial poetry workbench (L’ouvroir de poésie combinatoire)” (Thierry Poibeau, Mylène Maignant, Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet, Clément Plancq, Matthieu Raffard, Mathilde Roussel, Mathilde Saurat)
366: “Abusing the Concept of Normalization for Better Collation Results (and Profit)” (Tara Lee Andrews)
373: “StarCoder: A general neural ensemble technique to support traditional scholarship, illustrated with a study of the post-Atlantic slave trade” (Thomas Lippincott)
375: “When Classical Chinese Meets Machine Learning: Explaining the Relative Performances of Word and Sentence Segmentation Tasks” (Chao-Lin Liu, Chang-Ting Chu, Wei-Ting Chang, Ti-Yong Zheng)
380: “The Digital Medievalist Postgraduate Subcommittee: Networking, Research, and Open Collaboration” (James Buffington Harr. III)
382: “Empowered Minorities: Differential Outcomes For Minorities Enjoying Kremlin Support” (Martha Brill Olcott, Frances Davis, Keelyn Obrien, Katya Trotskyi, Michael Downs, Bridget McBride)
383: “DH Awards: Possibilities and problems of an openly-nominated and openly-voted DH awareness-raising activity” (James Cummings)
384: “Training Algorithms to Read Complex Collections: Handwriting Classification for Improved HTR Models” (Carrie Pirmann, Bhagawat Acharya, Brian King, Katherine Mary Faull)
387: “Measuring and visualizing narrative structure in Jan Potocki’s Manuscript Found in Saragossa” (Scott Goldstein)
389: “Finding Identical Ukiyo-e Prints across Databases in Japanese, English and Dutch” (Yuting Song, Biligsaikhan Batjargal, Akira Maeda)
390: “Integrating Historical Maps and Documents through Geocoding – Historical Big Data for the Japanese City of Edo” (Asanobu Kitamoto, Shoko Terao, Misato Horii, Hiroshi Horii, Chikahiko Suzuki)
391: “The visual digital humanities – topics, researchers and cultures” (Sander Muenster)
403: “RISE and SHINE: Introduction to an API-based e-infrastructure for interoperable textual resources and research tools” (Sean Wang)
405: “Encoding Working Lives: Linking Labor, Office, and Religion in 18th-century Manuscript Collections” (Diane K. Jakacki, Katherine Mary Faull, Justin Schaumberger)
406: “WoPoss – A World of Possibilities. An open access annotated corpus to study the diachrony of modality in the Latin language” (Francesca Dell Oro)
416: “Rhetorical interpretation of stylometry methods in disciplinary writing: a question of hermeneutics” (Hannah Ringler)
425: “Preservation and Ethical Re-Use of Crowdsourced Citizen Scholarship” (Allyssa Guzman, Albert A. Palacios)
433: “Pricing Opinions and Tastes:The Market for « Primitive » Artefacts through Sentiment Analysis” (Léa Saint-Raymond, Thierry Poibeau)
437: “What Is A Reader? How Readers on Goodreads are Changing the Canon in the Twenty-First Century” (Ashley Champagne)
439: “Representation Matters: How Do We Promote a Radically Inclusive Digital Humanities?” (Nathan Kelber, Hannah L. Jacobs, Maggie Murphy, Brooke Andrade, John (5 Knox, Kemba (6 N’Namdi, Melissa Lingle-Martin)
440: “Digital Humanities among the iSchools: An Anlysis of DH Courses” (Chris Alen Sula, Xiaoguang Wang, Heejin Park, Claudia Berger)
441: ” Evaluating a Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Expressive Content at Page Level in HathiTrust ” (Nikolaus Nova Parulian, Kristina Hall, Ryan Dubnicek, Yuerong Hu, J. Stephen Downie)
442: “The Digital Analysis of Syriac Handwriting (DASH) Project: Augmenting Manuscript Studies via Interactive Scriptcharts and IIIF” (Michael Penn, Vijoy Abraham, Scott Bailey, Peter Broadwell, Simon Wiles)
444: “Beyond the borders: Future of Storytelling in the Age of AI and Posthumanism” (Serdar Tuncer, Boulou Ebanda De B’Beri)
446: “Thinking Backwards, Walking Ahead: Guiding Humanities Researchers through Digital Project Life Cycles” (Caitlin Pollock, Joe Bauer)
448: “Assessing the Impact of an Undergraduate Digital Humanities Summer Research Program” (Courtney M. Paddick, Carrie Pirmann)
449: “Noh as Intermedia: Interactive Multi-Scale, Multimedia Analyses of Full-Length Noh Theater Performances” (Takanori Fujita, Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, François Rose, Scott Bailey, Peter Broadwell, Simon Wiles, Glen Worthey)
453: “Asian American Digital Humanities: Building Radical Communities through Justice-Oriented Praxis” (Anne Cong-Huyen, Dhanashree Thorat, Setsuko Yokoyama, Arun Jacob, Amardeep Singh)
463: “PoetryLab. An Open Source Toolkit for the Analysis of Spanish Poetry Corpora” (Javier de la Rosa, Álvaro Pérez, Salvador Ros, Elena González-Blanco)
464: ” Between Phallus and Freedom: An Ethnography on the Embodied Experiences of Tinder Users in Cape Town ” (Leah Davina Junck)
466: “Sober Hopes: Designing an Introductory Course for Computational Research in Hebrew / Arabic Texts” (Itay Marienberg-Millikowsky)
477: “Paper Feature Extraction from Digital Images” (Shouji Sakamoto)
479: “Ten years recovering the memory of republican exile with citizen collaboration. The results of E-xiliad@s Project: a perspective from the Digital Humanities and the Digital Public History.” (Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho)
480: “Introducing an Automated Pipeline for a Browser-based, City-scale Mobile 4D VR Application Based on Historical Images ” (Sander Muenster, Ferdinand Maiwald, Mathias Hofmann, Walpola Perera)
481: “Tracking the framing of politicians and news events across the multilingual Wikipedia: translation and its unseen impact” (Mark Shuttleworth, Jun Pan, Zhilu Tu)
500: “Information extraction across textual corpora: semi-automatic text-tagging workflow with Chinese local gazetteers” (Calvin Yeh, Sean Wang, Shih-Pei Chen)
503: “Semi-Automatic Identification of Travelogues” (Jan Rörden, Rainer Simon, Doris Gruber, Martin Krickl, Bernhard Haslhofer)
507: “Co-occurrence of modal markers: a network analysis approach” (Paola Marongiu)
510: “Visualizing Collocations in Religious Online Forums” (Thomas Schmidt, Florian Kaindl, Christian Wolff)
511: “”She Was Simply a Woman Who Was in Search of Variety”: Supporting Complex Searches on The Willa Cather Archive with Orchid” (Jessica Dussault, Tunink Greg, Dalziel Karin)
514: “SDC4Lit – a science data center for literature” (Claus-Michael Schlesinger, Gabriel Viehhauser, Mona Ulrich, Jan Hess, Roland Kamzelak, Heinz Werner Kramski, Kerstin Jung, Jonas Kuhn, Björn Schembera, Thomas Bönisch, Andreas Kaminski)
516: “Cultural Analytics and the Book Review: Models, Methods, and Corpora” (Matthew J. Lavin, Kent Chang, Yuerong Hu, Wenyi Shang, Aniruddha Sharma, Shubhangi Singhal, Ted Underwood, Jessica Witte, Peizhen Wu, Dan Sinykin, Melanie Walsh, Maria Antoniak)
521: “Foundations of Distant Reading” (Christof Schöch, Maciej Eder, Rosario Arias, Pieter Francois, Antonija Primorac)
527: “How Issues Guide The Life of News Stories” (Blanca Calvo Figueras, Tommaso Caselli, Marcel Broersma)
528: “Communicating the TEI Across Linguistic and Cultural Boundaries” (Hugh Cayless, Martina Scholger, Helena Bermúdez Sabel, Luis Meneses, Gimena del Rio Riande, Kiyonori Nagasaki)
529: “New Scholarship in the Digital Age: Making, Publishing, Maintaining, and Preserving Non-Traditional Scholarly Objects” (Matt Burton, Matthew J. Lavin, Jessica Otis, Scott B. Weingart)
537: “Historical Newspaper Content Mining: Revisiting the impresso Project’s Challenges in Text and Image Processing, Design and Historical Scholarship” (Maud Ehrmann, Estelle Bunout, Simon Clematide, Marten Düring, Andreas Fickers, Roman Kalyakin, Frédéric Kaplan, Matteo Romanello, Paul Schroeder, Philipp Ströbel, Thijs van Beek, Martin Volk, Lars Wieneke)
541: “Serving the city: an automatic information extraction for mapping Amsterdam nightlife (1820-1940)” (Leon van Wissen, Claartje Rasterhoff, Thunnis van Oort, Ivan Kisjes)
547: “TextAnnotator: A web-based annotation suite for texts” (Giuseppe Abrami, Alexander Mehler, Stoeckel Manuel)
548: “A Collaborative Workspace for Archival Research: MIA and the EURONEWS Project” (Lorenzo Allori, Carlotta Paltrinieri)
557: “Measuring the Socio-Economic Gap between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Communities: The Community Well-Being Index 1981-2016” (Tim Leonard)
558: “Differential treatment: how testimony is discussed in assault and sexual assault cases at the Court of Appeal of Québec” (Louis Chartrand, Ulisce Desmarais-Grégoire)
559: “The contribution of the Community Well-being Index to understanding socio-economic gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and its relationship with other community characteristics” (Jennie Thompson, Russell Lapointe, John Clement, Karen Bouchard)
560: “En France, on hurle – au Québec, on braille! Une comparaison diachronique de l’usage des verba dicendi dans la littérature franco-québécoise et française standard ” (Svenja Simone Guhr)
565: “Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems” (Claes Neuefeind, Brigitte Mathiak, Philip Schildkamp, Unmil Karadkar, Johannes Stigler, Elisabeth Steiner, Gunter Vasold, Fabio Tosques, Arianna Ciula, Brian Maher, Greg Newton, Stewart Arneil, Martin Holmes)
566: “Creating Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure: Hands On with CollectionBuilder for Teaching and Exhibits” (Olivia Wikle, Evan Williamson, Devin Becker)
568: “Aural Palimpsests: Voices, Space, History” (Sanjin Muftic)
570: “Entry and Rise In Bureaucracy: Patterns of Career Advancement in Joseon Dynasty” (Donghyeok Choi, Juyong Park)
571: “Culture Analytics Workshop : Networks” (John Laudun, Clarisse Clarisse Bardiot, Mila Oiva)
575: “Demystifying ADHO, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations” (Glen Worthey, Elisabeth Burr, Brian Croxall, Isabel Galina Russell, Matthew Gold, Leif Isaksen, Diane K. Jakacki, Micki Kaufman, Ernesto Priani Saisó, Ashley Sanders Garcia, Sara Sikes, Juan Steyn)
583: “#whereislatinxdh” (Gabriela Baeza Ventura, María Cotera, Linda García Merchant, Marco Seiferle-Valencia, KarenMary Davalos, AnneMarie Pérez)
590: “Acquisition and Analysis of a Meme Corpus to Investigate Web Culture” (Thomas Schmidt, Philipp Hartl, Dominik Ramsauer, Thomas Fischer, Andreas Hilzenthaler, Christian Wolff)
592: “Inventing A Digital Chorapleth Map: An Alternative Choragraphic/Psychogeographic Mapping Praxis” (Clayton John Benjamin)
593: “Building Bridges: Pedagogical Strategies for Introducing Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom” (Sarah Ketchley, Wendy Perla Kurtz)
594: “Physically-Based Rendering (Maya) for Experimental Modeling of Medieval Objects” (Beth Fischer)
610: “”Quantifying Kissinger” – Visualizing the Many Worlds of the Kissinger Correspondence” (Micki Kaufman)
623: “Conceptual Analysis as Thickening: Influence as an Example” (Jingzhu Wei, Allen Renear)
626: “An interactive multimedia companion to Wagner’s Lohengrin: encoding and visualising a motivic study” (Kevin Page, David Lewis, Laurence Dreyfus)
638: “Null models in authorship analysis – an alternative approach to established methods in stylometry” (Steffen Pielström)
644: “The Lusophone Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: textual corpus analysis and FAIR principles to tackle hegemony.” (Ricardo Medeiros Pimenta, Priscila Ramos Carvalho, Josir Cardoso Gomes)
649: “Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining” (Stacy Reardon, Rachael Samberg, Glen Worthey)
655: “Explore Plato’s Cave in Virtual Reality” (Julia DeWall Uhr)
660: “A Survey of Data and Encodings in Word Clouds” (Muyang Shi, Danielle Albers Szafir, Eric Carlson Alexander)
661: ” Network Analysis Finds Shifts in the History of Modern Architecture” (Gregory Yauney, David Mimno)
662: “Unmaking/Remaking Memory Work: Centering Community Narratives of Latinx Lived Experience” (Marisa Hicks-Alcaraz, William Camargo, Joseph Valencia, Samantha Cabrera Friend)
664: “CollectionBuilder: Using Static Web Technologies to Create Digital Collections and Teach DH Principles” (Olivia Wikle, Evan Williamson, Devin Becker)
672: “Typicality in the U.S. Novel” (Mark Algee-Hewitt, Erik Fredner)
673: “Metrics for Literary History” (Melanie Conroy)
687: “Reassembling Elephants: A Multi-Spatiotemporal Visualization Method for History and Humanities Data” (Florian Windhager, Saminu Salisu, Eva Mayr)
692: “Reading Certainty: Evidence from a Large Study on NLP and Witness Testimony” (Ben Miller)
696: “Automatic Labeled Data Generation for Person Named Entity Disambiguation on the Ming Shilu” (Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Han Wu, Pi-Ling Pai, I-Chun Fan)
706: “Inferring book relationships at the trillion-word scale” (Peter Organisciak, Benjamin M. Schmidt)
708: “MAZI means together: A “minimal computing” local network infrastructure for community-based curation, research and networking” (Mariana Ziku, Elli Leventaki)
710: “Gamergate: Predicting the Present” (Geoffrey Rockwell, Robert Budac, Bettina Berendt, Florence Chee, Todd Suomela)
720: “Implementation of Event Classification and Spatio-temporal Information Integration Analysis based on Meteorological Records in Historical Texts: A Digital Humanities Case Study on Climate Change and Social Trends” (Shi-Yun Huang, Shang-Yun Wu, Yu-Chun Wang, Cheng-Han Wu, Jung-Yi Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, I-Chun Fan)
724: “Morgan Papers: Exploring the Correspondence of California’s First Female Architect” (Zach Vowell, Ethan Kusters, Luca Soares, Samuel Verkruyse, Joey Wilson, Foaad Khosmood)
730: ” Dynamic Systems for Humanities Audio Collections: The Theory and Rationale of Swallow” (Jason Camlot, Tomasz Neugebauer, Francisco Berrizbeitia)
739: “The Digital Curation of Broadcasting Archives at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Curation Culture and Evaluative Practice” (Asen Ivanov)
745: “Towards an Indian Post Colonial Digital Humanities” (Dibyadyuti Roy, Nirmala Menon, Maya Dodd, Arjun Ghosh, Mayurakshi Chaudhuri, Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay)